Jeff is 38 years old, married with 3 children. He began the challenge weighing 192 lbs. He is not a beginner when it comes to nutrition and exercise. As you can see from his Best Body pictures 4 years ago, he has done this before.
Jeff is a picture of how quickly you can get out of shape if you quit eating healthy and stop exercising. He has been working out of town for the past 5 months, eating whatever he wanted and not had access to a good workout facility. Therefore, as you can see in week 1, he has gotten out of shape. By week 12 Jeff has made a remarkable change.
Week 1 and 12 Pictures (week 1 left, week 12 right):
All workouts take place at Island Sun Tanning and Fitness
3878 Pageland Hwy. Lancaster, SC 29720
(803) 416-9518